Sand Clay

I made this sandcastle frame with clay made out of sand!
You can make sand clay too! I got this simple recipe from FamilyFun magazine (one of my favorite magazines) and Miss C and I got down to business whipping it up.
We brought the sand home from our local beach
Miss C didn't make anything specific, just squished it around
Hubby made a sand creature
I stuck the sand clay straight to craft sticks (no glue required)
Then hot glued the sticks together
Then hot glued the sandcastle straight to the picture frame 
 The clay dries up by the next day, I had mine covered in the fridge and still found it hard as a rock. The sandcastle also cracked and fell apart a little but I just glued the pieces back on and think the cracks give it a  bit of charm.
I thought about gluing some things like shells and rocks to the frame but I like the way it looks plain.
I'm sure we'll make this sand clay again now that the weather is warming up.

Do you think you can make the same type of clay but with dirt instead?

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It's Playtime!
hosted by
The Imagination Tree     hands on: as we grow     Quirky Momma     Messy Kids


  1. Melissa @ The Chocolate Muffin TreeTuesday, April 12, 2023

    Great too!

  2. Jamie @ hands on : as we growThursday, April 14, 2023

    Thanks for the link to the recipe! I've been getting into (finally) making my own things to play with here. (We've finally made our own PlayDoh and will NEVER turn back!)

    Thanks for playing at It's Playtime today. I hope to see more of your play ideas next week too!

    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow


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